
Zonta D12 Bylaws April 2021

D12-Policies-Procedures – 2023

D12 Policies Procedures – 2021 (Final, Approved) Word doc

D12 Policies Procedures – 2021 (Final, Approved) PDF

D12 Policies & Procedures – 2021 update/redline

D12 Policy & Procedures – 2019 new final version

D 12 Policy & Procedures – 2017 new final version

D 12 Policy & Procedures – 2015 new final version

2013 Policy and Procedures Manual
* red-lined
* final

Please visit the
Zonta International site for additional manuals.
[District Manual, Club Manual, Organization & Extension Manual, Marian de Forest Membership and Classification Manual, Z Club and Golden Z Club Manual and Protocol Manual]

Disbanded:  Douglas County:

Disbanded: Converse County:

Disbanded 2021: Zonta Club of Boulder County

Disbanded 2018: Zonta Club of the Sturgis Area

All Area Virtual Meeting – April 25, 2020

2019 Area 3 Meeting

D12 Governor’s Seminars, Conferences and Area Meetings Rotations updated 09/17/2019

Centennial Celebration Resources

Centennial Anniversary Grant

June 2016 Training for Zonta International

Current Inventory 09-13-2015

FINALIZED D12 Advocacy/UN Committee Goals for 2015-16

* Provide up-to-date information regarding issues and legislation relating to women’s rights, health, safety, and opportunity.
  • Include an Advocacy article in each D12 Outreach Newsletter.
  • Provide information on relevant legislation (proposed & passed) occurring in each of 4 states to the clubs in relevant state.
  • Update the Advocacy & UN sections of the District 12 website with pictures, new information, letter templates, etc.

* Provide up-to-date information regarding the UN, Beijing+20, Post-2015 Agenda, and CEDAW within the District & for all clubs
  • Provide an Advocacy/UN related presentation at all Area Meetings in 2016.
  • Provide info to enable each club to have a least 1 program per year on Zonta’s role with the UN.
  • Committee members act as advocacy resource persons within their own states.

* Encourage each club to take action (that has measureable impact) on at least one advocacy issue, promote such action in the local media, and report on the results to the Governor and to Zonta International.
  • Participate in the Zonta says No to Violence Against Women’ initiative in some manner.
  • Initiate advocacy actions in cooperation with like-minded organizations when possible/relevant.

* Select Club winner of District Advocacy Award, using defined selection criteria & club reports, to be awarded at the 2015 District Conference.

PowerPoint from 2014 Zonta International Convention in Orlando Florida

Emergenetics 2014

Treasurer’s Reports and Forms *Email Treasurer*

2014-2016 Zonta International Foundation projects

Area Meeting Reports/Presentations/Surveys

Advocacy Archives:
Intro | Templates | In the News | Area Meeting Reports | CEDAW
Zonta Says No! | Colorado Links

Contact files added July 8, 2013:

2012 International Convention Documents

Booth in a Box

June 2015 Board Reports

June 2014 Board Reports

Area Meeting Rotation updated June2015 after Board Meeting

Zonta Says No!

Links to Zonta Districts

D12 Strategic Plan 2012-2014

2012-2014 Board Responsibilities

Jan-Feb 2013 PR Newsletter

History of Zonta District 12 to 1965
