Our Mission
Zonta District 12's purpose is to build, develop, and maintain strong clubs through support, leadership and communications in order to further the mission of Zonta International.
2021 Zonta District 12 Conference
Colorado Springs, Colorado Zonta International works on both the local and international levels. Thirty Districts worldwide hold Conferences to handle business matters, for fellowship and to share information on Zonta objectives and programs.
2021 District 12 YWPA winner
Leila Johnson, nominated by the Zonta Club of Laramie, was awarded both the 2021 District 12 and the Zonta International Young Women in Public Affairs (YWPA) Award which recognizes young women for demonstrating leadership skills and commitment to public service and civic causes.
Zonta Says Now
Zonta Says NOW to gender equality and climate action..... Through advocacy and service we want to minimize the negative effects of climate change on women and girls in our communities and throughout the world. Resources
Zonta International is 100 years old
In 2019, Zonta International celebrated 100 years of empowering women through service and advocacy.
District 12 Past Governors
Many thanks to our Past Governors at their 2023 Christmas luncheon, and who have given so much of their time, talent, and support to strengthen District 12, and for their efforts in building & maintaining vibrant clubs in our four state region.
JMK International Scholarship Winner
Lori Lewis, nominated by the Zonta Club of Laramie, was selected as District 12's JMK Scholarship winner. She is also one of 12 out of 32 applicants worldwide to receive a Zonta International JMK Scholarship. Congratulations to Lori and the Zonta Club of Laramie!
Z Clubs and Golden Z Clubs
Zonta Foothills Club along with their Boulder High School PantherZ Z Club and Flatirons Golden Z Club enjoy their summer lake party.
Zonta Says No is a worldwide campaign of Zonta International to end violence against women. Clubs worldwide hosted events in 2013 that illustrated the collective commitment of Zonta’s 27,000+ members in 62 countries to prevent and end violence against women and girls.
History of Zonta
Since 1923, Zonta has provided more than US$11 million to projects benefiting more than 2 million women. [ Read more … ]
Zonta says NO
Zonta Says No is a campaign to end violence against women and girls. Zontians all over the world advocate and volunteer to promote this program. [ Read more … ]
Zonta and the UN
Zonta Int’l has been closely associated with the United Nations for many years. It maintains representatives at UN sites in New York, Geneva, Paris and Vienna. [ Read more … ]
Advancing the Status of Women Worldwide!
District 12 Clubs: Map

District 12 is comprised of 4 states and includes 18 clubs. Click on “Read more” for a detailed location map and contact information. [ Read more … ]