


Advocating for a cause, whether expressing an opinion or endorsing proposed legislation, requires the ability to act or respond in a timely manner. Zonta is sometimes hampered by the necessity of gaining approval for action, either at the club or district level, when clubs meet monthly and district boards even less frequently. Yet there are some issues so fundamental to our beliefs as Zontians that there is no debate about our intention to support these efforts.

The resolution (See ‘Platform’ below) approved by the delegates at District Conference in 2011 identified three broad categories with broad support in District 12:

  • Equal rights under the law (women’s rights as human rights)
  • Gender-based violence (human trafficking, domestic violence, child marriage, rape, etc.)
  • Pay equity (equal pay for equal work)

If this resolution is approved, the District LAA Committee will produce “issue templates” for each of these priority issues are available by contacting the District Advocacy Committee Chair. She will ensure that you receive an up-to-date template for your use.

Clubs are encouraged to author communications to:

  • state or national legislators in support of or opposition to a pending bill,
  • state or national legislators to encourage drafting legislation on a particular topic,
  • media outlets as ‘letters to the editor’ or in response to news articles, and
  • express concern, offer information, or support/oppose other public action.

In no way will this resolution preclude District 12 Zonta clubs or individual Zontians from selecting different or additional issues for their advocacy efforts. The intent is simply to make it possible to respond without delay when advocacy is appropriate concerning any of the above concerns.

The text of the 2011 resolution follows:

District Conference, September 24, 2011

Whereas, Zonta International District 12 seeks to advance the status of women through timely communications of clearly-stated positions, and

Whereas, there is agreement that the following issues are of common concern to all members of the District:

  • Achieving pay equity (e.g., Paycheck Fairness Act)
  • Supporting measures to oppose gender-based violence, such as trafficking, rape, & domestic violence, (e.g., Preventing Child Marriage Act,)
  • Ensuring equal rights under the law (e.g., CEDAW, ERA).

Whereas, legislative action and/or media attention is frequently the primary vehicle for effecting change, and

Whereas, the District Governor is authorized to act on behalf of the District, with the approval of the membership,

BE IT RESOLVED, therefore, that

1. District 12 is authorized, via the current Governor, to communicate on behalf of the District
regarding these subjects, expressing the above general principles by using the District 12 issue templates whenever possible.

2. District 12 urges its Clubs and members to use these issue templates in support of legislation and/or as talking points for media placements. These will be developed and provided on the District 12 website at

3. District 12 urges its Clubs and Areas to communicate, cooperate, and combine their efforts in order to make their individual efforts more effective.

4. District 12 encourages Clubs to work with other like-minded organizations in their respective communities to further the ends expressed above and approved by this District Conference, September, 2011.