Colorado | South Dakota | Wyoming | Montana
Selection Process & Criteria
[September 2015]
1. The District Advocacy Chair sends each District Advocacy Member the Advocacy Sections from all of the club reports submitted the previous May, and the criteria for review.
2. Each Committee member reviews the reports independently (including the Chair). A reviewer may follow-up to clarify certain factual questions, but may not add any new information to any report.
3. Each Committee member independently scores each Club’s advocacy report in accordance with the pre-established criteria & weighting.
4. Committee members send their scores (totals for each club) to the Chair of the Committee.
5. If the Chair has any questions, she may follow-up with a Committee member. She then totals all the submissions by each reviewer by club.
6. The Club with the highest total # of points is the winner.
7. This selection is kept confidential, with only those having program responsibilities being informed of the winner before the Conference.

2015 Award Winners
Criteria & Weighting:
Criteria | Max # of points in category:
1. How well do the Club’s projects & practices manifest the Zonta definition of advocacy? | 20
2. What impact did these projects appear to have in advancing the status of women? | 25
3. Could this club’s projects be considered ‘best advocacy practices’ to be learned from? | 25
4. To what extent did this Club’s projects reflect the D12 Platform for Advocacy issues? | 15
5. To what extent did the Club work with other like-minded organizations? | 15
6. What percent of club members participated in the projects? | 10
For reference–
Zonta’s Advocacy Definition:
Advocacy is the expression of support for or opposition to a cause, argument or proposal. Advocacy may include influencing laws, legislation or attitudes. Zonta International, its districts, and its clubs are urged to express themselves about and become involved in issues which:
- Improve the legal, political, economic, educational, health and professional status of women;
- Advance the understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of executives in business and the professions; and
- Promote justice and universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.