Black Hills

Chartered in 1950

Zonta International is a worldwide organization of executives in business and the professions working together to advance the status of women.

Mission Statement

To improve the status of women through international and local collaboration, networking and community service.

Officers and Board for 2010-2011:

President Jan Kirch

President-Elect Diane Staeffler

Vice President Kim Jackson

Recording Secretary Mary Kaiser

Corresponding Secretary Liz Benusis

Treasurer DeVee Dietz

Assistant Treasurer-Meals Dorothy Voorhees

Assistant Treasurer-EXPO Terri Larson

Vicki Farrens
Audrea Jackson
Patty Nikkila
Peg Seljeskog
Morgan VonHaden

Meeting Information

2nd Thursday of every month
11:30am – 1:00pm
Arrowhead Country Club

Click here for Coffee Sales

Service Projects:

• YFS Kid’s Fair
• Junior Achievement
• Relay for Life
• Keeper of the Closet
• Big Brothers/Big Sisters
• Cornerstone Women and Children’s Home
• American Heart Association – Go Red for Women Campaign

Our main fundraiser is the Zonta Expo – we put on every year the first Thursday in October at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center. We sell booth space to showcase local businesses. There is also a style show, cafe, silent auction and a motivational speaker. We sell entrance and raffle tickets to win $1000. In October 2008 we celebrated 25 years of the EXPO!! The money we raise at the EXPO is granted locally to non-profits who work to improve the status of women and children, and to Zonta International. Over the past 25 years we have granted over $300,000 from Expo profits.

Contact Information:

Zonta Club of the Black Hills
PO Box 8163
Rapid City, SD 57709


Jan Kirch, President