Arlene Davy Memorial Scholarship
Each year the Zonta Club of Fort Collins awards scholarships to single moms pursuing an education full time. Currently the club provides up to three scholarships of $1,000 each year. Please click on the following link to print an application packet.
- Application deadline is May 1st.
Young Women in Public Affairs Scholarship
This award encourages young women of today to be leaders of tomorrow by learning to participate in public and political life through school and community involvement. Young women, ages 16-20, pre-college/university level, are asked to list their accomplishments and also to address the problems limiting the advancement of the status of women in their own country and worldwide. The Zonta club of Fort Collins will nominate a club winner from the applicants (to receive $250) who will compete for the district award of $1,000. The district winner will then compete at the international level for the ten $4,000 awards. Please click on the following link to print an application packet.
- Application deadline is February 1st.
Jane M. Klausman Scholarship
The Zonta International Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships are open to women pursuing an undergraduate degree in business leading to a business-related career. The program is designed to encourage undergraduate women to enter careers and to seek leadership positions in business-related fields. The Zonta club of Fort Collins will nominate a club winner from the applicants to receive $500. Her application will be submited to the District for selection of one nominee for the International scholarship. Zonta International will award 12 $7,000 scholarships and $1000 to District winners.
Please click on the following link to print an application packet.
- Application deadline on or before May 1st.
Women in Technology Scholarship
The world economy, industry and sciences are becoming increasingly digitized, and these developments are disrupting society and familiar social processes. Women, however, are still largely unrepresented in technology fields. To create a world in which men and women have equal opportunities, women need to have an active role in technology and technological developments. Zonta International is pleased to offer its new Zonta International Women in Technology Scholarship to encourage women to pursue education, career opportunities and leadership roles in technology.
- Application deadline is May 1st