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January 2013 Board Meeting Reports

Governor Sheila Davis
Area 1 Director Renee Coppock
Area 2 Director Deedee Boysen
Area 3 Director Debbie Squires
Area 4 Director Janet Bergin
Area 1 Vice Director Teresa Forbes
Area 4 Vice Director Linda Hawkins
ZI Foundation Tommie Atanasoff
Nominating Nikki Headlee
Membership Marcy O'Toole
Advocacy/United Nations Jane Page
Service/Scholarship Maribeth Haynes
Amelia Earhart Stephany Westhusin
JMK Evie Ashmore
YWPA Laura Stamp
Secretary Denise Luckhurst
Bylaws and Resolutions Deb Beatty
Treasurer Bridget Masters
Internal Communications Kari Winter
External Communications/Webmaster Angela VerPloeg, Andrea Hovey, Susie Nulty
Archivist/Historian Barb Pellegren

Last revision date: February 17, 2013


© 2013 Zonta International
